You are the solution to pollution! Please join us for our monthly clean-ups on the beautiful beaches of Colonial Beach, Virginia!
Event Details
- County: Westmoreland
- Site Type: River
- Watershed: Lower Potomac
- Is RSVP required?: 1
- Suitable for children under seven?: Yes
- Who should participants contact for questions?: Ben Swanson
- Suitable for elderly?: Yes
- Site Leader Phone/Email:
- Suitable for disabled?: Yes
- Maximum Volunteers: 35
- Restrooms available?: Yes
- Directions: 100 Wilder Ave
Colonial Beach, VA 22443
Town residents may park in the Town Parking Lot at the Beach Restrooms. Out-of-town volunteers may park in the Riverboat on the Potomac parking lot. To get to this lot, turn left into the driveway just before Wilder Ave. Once parked, take the sidewalk toward the swings and restrooms.