SHBR- Holmes Run Clean Up 2021: A clean up of the creek area and woods next to the tennis courts and club.
Event Details
- County: Fairfax
- Site Type: Run/Creek/Stream
- Watershed: Unknown
- Suitable for children under seven?: Yes
- Who should participants contact for questions?: Andrew Orlando
- Suitable for elderly?: Yes
- Site Leader Phone/Email: 571 289 3495
- Suitable for disabled?: Yes
- Maximum Volunteers: 50
- Parking capacity: 100
- Restrooms available?: Yes
- Notes: A flat piece of land which on the south side runs the Holmes Run Creek- Easily accessible.
- Directions: From 7 Corners in Falls Church VA ( The intersection of Route 50 and Route 7 & Wilson Boulevard, proceed to the turn unto Route 613 Sleepy Hollow Road. Driving south on 613 the club is located approximated 3.5 miles down on the right. Parking out front.