We will do a cleanup of the stream bed and surrounding area of a creek that runs through a residential area on Portal Drive NW.
Participants should wear boots or sturdy shoes that you don’t mind getting muddy.
Bring work gloves if you have them, but we also will have gloves at the site. We also will have trash bags at the site.
Event Details
- County: District of Columbia
- Site Type: Run/Creek/Stream
- Watershed: Middle Potomac
- Suitable for children under seven?: Yes
- Who should participants contact for questions?: ERICK TORRES
- Suitable for elderly?: Yes
- Site Leader Phone/Email: etorres552@gmail.com
- Suitable for disabled?: No
- Maximum Volunteers: 20
- Restrooms available?: No
- Directions: This site begins where North Portal Dr NW/Portal Dr NW intersect E Beach Dr NW. This is a residential area where you can park on the road along Portal Dr.
To get there from the Silver Spring Metro station, follow Colesville Rd away from downtown Silver Spring and towards the traffic circle that connects 16th Street NW and Colesville Road. This traffic circle has an exit for N Portal Drive NW. Follow N Portal Drive NW to the end and you will be at the site.